Service Description Amount
Membership Service Fee (non-refundable) $20.00
Service Reconnection Fee $40.00
Temporary Service  
-> Residential $45.00
-> Seasonal $45.00
-> General Service & Commercial Service
     Estimated line extension charge plus fee
Returned Check (NSF) Fee $30.00
Collection Charge $40.00
Disconnection Charge $40.00

Reconnection for nonpayment

*All charges, including energy used to date, collect fee, reconnect fee, and security deposit, will be required before reconnection.
-> Regular hours $40.00
-> Call out hours after 3pm (Meter Reader) $150.00
-> Call out hours after 3pm (Line Crew) $200.00
Meter Reading $10.00
Meter Testing $150.00
Annual idle service $72.00
Unauthorized reconnection of service fees:  
-> First Occurrence $200.00
-> Second Occurrence $500.00
-> Use of jumpers or other devices to circumvent the registration of kilowatt hours on the meter, theft of service $500.00 plus costs
Security deposits are based on credit record and account usage. At the Member's request, the security deposit is returned after 12 consecutive months of on-time payment of bills.  
New construction -- single phase line extension (primary and secondary)  
-> First 150 feet (if permanent structure criteria is met), First 75 feet (otherwise) No charge
-> Additional $24.00 / foot
-> Commercial Pay all construction costs
Underground secondary services will be installed in accordance with the Cooperative’s “Underground Service on a Permanent Building” specification.  

Independent, third-party meter testing fees and costs associated with such a test must be paid in advance to the Cooperative.

*Prices are subject to change without notice