Do we have your correct information?
Clearfield Electric Cooperative (est. 1936)

Clearfield Electric Cooperative in downtown Clearfield, PA

Times are ever changing and so are phone numbers and addresses nowadays. As a member of United Electric, your phone number ties to your electric account and is important for many reasons aside from just being able to contact you. A great example of it's importance is when you are calling to report an outage-if you don't happen to have your electric account number available, we can report your outage using the phone number that you have listed for the account. 

We may have your billing address on file, but what about the physical address? Even more helpful to our linemen is your physical address for your camp or second home.

If anything on your account has changed or you would like to verify that we have your physical address, give us a call (888-581-8969), send us an email (, or send us a message through your online SmartHub account or through the app.